0 student
Module 1 – Getting Started
- Introduction
- Ruby Documentation
- Interactive Ruby
- Customizing irb
- Case Study
Module 2 – Simple Scripts
- Creating a Basic Script
- Execution on Linux/WS
- Command-Line Execution
- Making Scripts Executable
- Creating Output
- Taking Input
- Making Comments
- Case Study
Module 3 – Simple Types
- Creating Numbers
- Performing Arithmetic
- Numeric Methods
- Creating Strings
- Interpolation and Escaping
- Common String Methods
- Creating Multiline Strings
- Using Constants
- Dates and Times
- Case Study
Module 4 – Arrays, Ranges And Hashes
- Creating Arrays
- Common Array Methods
- Adding Elements
- Removing Elements
- Array and Strings
- Using Ranges
- Creating a Hash
- Common Hash Methods
- Case Study
Module 5 – Control Structures
- Operators
- Basic Conditionals
- Extended Conditionals
- The Conditional Operator
- Case Statements
- Basic Loops
- Numeric Iterators
- Collection Iterators
- Case Study
Module 6 – Creating Methods
- Simple Methods
- Returning Values
- Taking Arguments
- Default Argument Values
- Using Self
- Variable-Length Arguments
- Methods and Blocks
- Case Study
Module 7 – Creating Classes
- Simple Classes
- Instance Variables
- Using Accessors
- Creating Constructors
- Defining Operators
- Other Special Methods
- Validation and Duck Typing
- Case Study
Module 8 – Inheritance
- Basic Inheritance
- Overriding Methods
- Chaining Methods
- Access Control
- Class Variables
- Class Methods
- Case Study
Module 9 – Modules And Includes
- Modules as Namespaces
- Modules as Mixins
- Requiring Files
- Ruby Standard Library
- Case Study
Module 1 – Introduction
- Introduction to Ruby on Rails
- Understanding what Rails is and isn’t
Module 2 – Diving Right In
- A look at a real-world Rails app
- Quick tour of default app
- Overview of environments
- Brief demo of Active Record
- Action Controller
- Action View
Module 3 – MVC (Model View Controller)
- Detailed look at Rails MVC
- Implementation
- Full lifecycle of web request
Module 4 – Active Record Basics
- The Active Record Pattern
- Models
- Tables
- Columns
- Attributes
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD)
- Case Study
Module 5 – Action Controller Basics
- Actions
- Controllers
- Routing requests
- Params
- Sessions
- flash messages
- Case Study
Module 6 – Action View Basics
- ERb templates
- layouts
- partials
- views
- components
- helpers
- Case Study
Module 7 – More Active Record Features
- Validations
- Associations
- Aggregations
- Accessors
- find_by_*
- overriding defaults
- Case Study
Module 8 – More Action Pack Features
- Request filters
- render versus redirect
- caching
- responds_to
- form helpers
- Case Study
Module 9 – Testing
- Testing controllers (functional)
- testing models (unit)
- creating mock objects (fixtures)
- assertions
- rspec, cucumber
- Case Study
Module 10 – Routes
- Routing requests
- Creating patterns
- Errror-Handling
- Case Study
Module 11 – Request Filters And Callbacks
- After
- Before
- Around (prepend_around)
- Callbacks
- Case Study
Module 12 – Debugging
- Breakpointer
- Logging
- Script/console
- Case Study
Module 13 – AJAX
- AJAX form requests
- Effects
- Controls and JS helpers
- RJS templates
- Case Study
Module 14 – Action Mailer Basics
- Sending mail
- Processing mail
- Using generator
- Attachments
- Testing mail
- Case Study
Module 15 – Web Services, API, RestAPI
- Using Builder
- Generating RSS feed
- Producing
- Consuming Web Service
- Case Study
Module 16 – Extending Rails
- Active Support basics
- Plugins
- Engines
- Ruby libraries
- Case Study
Module 17 – Benchmarking And Performance
- Caching (fragments, partials)
- Eager loading
- Profiling
- Benchmarking
- Case Study
Module 18 – Deployment
- Sample server setups
- Capistrano configuration
- Recipe Creation
- Case Stu
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