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About DOT NET Online Training:
- Dot Net Online Training may be asoftware technology, which was introduced by MICROSOFT within the year 2002. Dot Net may be a Framework technology, meaning which is integrated with multiple technologies like windows, web, web services, etc. the most reason, why dot net called to be framework technology is “Using single Dot Net technology a programmer can develop multiple sorts of applications like below
- console applications
- Windows applications
- Web applications
- Web services
No prior experience is presumed.
Terms And Conditions
- We will Provide Supporting to resolve Student practical Issues.
- We will provide server Access and 100% Lab Facility.
- Resume Preparation.
- Interview Questions & Answers.
- We will conduct mock interviews. Student also gets 100% supporting before and after getting job
DOTNET Online Training Course Content:
Introduction/Overview Of .Net
- Introduction to .Net
- Platform for the .Net
- Drawbacks of Current Trend
- Net Framework – BCL & CLR l Key design goals
- CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
- Multiple Language Interaction & support l Moving from Project to Assemblies…
- Security in .NET – CAS
.Net Framework [Advanced]
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Features of .Net
- Assemblies in Detail
- GAC, Strong Names
- Language Interop
- Reflection
Visual C#.Net Language
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Why C#/ Why Not C#
- Where does C# Fit in
- C, C++ to Visual C#
- Features of C#
- .NET Namespaces
.Net Installations/C#.Net
- .NET Versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Beta
- Visual Studio.NET 2003/2005/Orcas/2008
- Windows Vista – New Look
- Gadgets/SideBars/UAC – relation with .NET
- Hardware/Software Requirements
- FAQ’s with detailed answers
Programming Using Visual C#.Net
- The start of the application
- C#.Net Program Design
- Variables and types
- Value types and reference types (CTS)
- Strings and arrays
- The Console class
- String formatting
- Statements and flows
- Programming Structures
- Command-line arguments
- NET to Create C#.NET Apps
- C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more
Introduction To Windows Forms – I
- Windows forms library – WinForms
- Layout Enhancements
- Forms and controls – Hierarchy
- Creating simple GUI by hand
- Event handling
- Basic controls
- Windows forms – buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, panels, group boxes, list boxes, picture boxes…
Windows Forms – II
- Menus
- Built-in dialog boxes and printing
- Extender Controls
- ToolStrips, StatusStrips and progress bars
- A new MDI forms strategy
- Inheritance with forms
- New Controls – Web Browser, Property Grid etc
Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)
- Classes & objects
- Abstract & override methods
- Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
- This keyword
- Properties – Read Only Write Only…
- Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
- How to use classes as part of project
Object Oriented Concepts (Advanced)
- Accessibility levels, specifiers
- Constructors
- Method overloading
- Class (static) variables & methods
- Object destruction
- ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters
- Constant values
- Enumerations
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- The root of all classes
- Creating derived classes
- Method overriding and hiding
- Polymorphism and virtual functions
- Casting objects
- Abstract classes
- Sealed classes
- Static classes
Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)
- Case Studies
- Class Diagram in VS.Net
- Refactoring & others
- FAQ’s
Error Handling
- Unstructured error handling support
- Structured error handling
- Error categories
- Debugging the application
- Debug and Trace classes
- Code Optimization
- Testing and strategies
Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ
- History and background
- From DAO to ADO.NET
- NET design goals
- The ADO.NET architecture and its components
- NET in relation to the other .NET tools
- DataSet in RealTime Scenarious
ADO.Net Components
- Connected and disconnected environment
- NET object model
- Data sources, providers and connections
- Commands and data readers
- Data sets and data adaptors
- Data tables, rows and columns
- Constraints and relations
- Data-centric applications – New ADO.Net Hierarchy
Data Sources And .Net Data Providers
- Connecting to a data source
- SQL Server .NET data provider
- OLE-DB .NET data provider
- Connections and connection strings
- SQL-Server integrated security
- Connection pooling
- NET exceptions
Accessing Data In The Connected Environment
- Commands
- Creating and executing commands
- Reading data using a data reader
- Batch queries & single result queries
- Parameterised queries (input & output parameters)
- Adding, editing and deleting data
- Stored procedures
Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment
- Why using a disconnected environment?
- DataSet and DataAdapter features
- Filling data sets using data adapters
- Read data using data tables, rows and columns
- Batch queries and data sets
- Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
- DataSet Navigation
- DataSet Functionality
- DataSet Optimistic Concurrency
Sorting, Searching And Filtering
- Searching in data sets
- Find on primary keys
- Searching on any column
- Searching on row state
- Wildcard searches
- Sorting and filtering using data views
- Searching in a data view
Live Case Study And Implementation Of ADO.NET In N-Tier
- Client Server Basics
- N-Tier – Classical and New
- N-Tier importance w.r.t other .Net technologies
- Build User Interface Layer – importance
- Business Layer in N-Tier – advantages & disadvantages
- Data Access Layer – Generic/Specific Advantages
- N-Tier DataBase Application
- SQLHelper, CodeSmith etc tools awareness
- XML Basics – Importance in Todays world
- XML designers/support in VS.NET
- XML Derived Technologies – XSD ,XSL , SOAP ,WSDL
- Xml Namespace
- Stream Model XML
- XmlTextReader,TextWriter
- XmlTextReader, TextWriter XMLDocument/ XmlDataDocumentClasses
- Dom Objects – XMLNode/XMLNodeList
- XPATH- Query Language for XML
- DOM – Navigation & Access Case Studies
Creating Custom Windows Controls
- About user – defined controls
- Understanding the control class with Container
- Add Properties/Methods/Events to Control
- Pack & use control in other windows applications
- Create & implement a windows control
Windows Services
- Understanding services
- Creating windows services
- Setting properties
- Compile, run & install services
- Event log services
.Net Remoting
- About Distributed Applications
- COM/DCOM in Distributed Environment
- Drawbacks of DCOM
- .NET Remoting – New distributed environment
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Remoting – Web Services comparisons
- Channels
- Formatters
- Programming Model – Object Styles & Lifestyles
- Activation
- Case Study – Implementation using Remoting
Crystal Reports
- Reporting Need in the application
- Crystal Reports – Reporting Tool
- Different Versions of Crystal Reports
- Developing a Crystal Report
- Different ways to Invoke/Deploy Crystal Reports
Application Deployment
- Packaging Code
- ClickOnce Deployment
- Configuring the .Net framework
- Deploying the application in Web Server
- Deployment – other methods
ASP.NET Fundamentals
- Differences between ASP and ASP.Net
- Defining an web application
- Lifetime of an application
- Understanding the HTTP Request/Response model – how does a web server work
- The new event model = Top-down processing v/s event-based processing
- Net architecture
- Role of STTP handlers and modules
- NET Web forms
- NET programming model
- Request processing life cycle
- Dynamic compilation
- Tracing code execution
- Page level tracing
- Application level tracing
- Debugging using the IDE support
- Using server controls
- Validating input using validation controls
- Using custom validator
- Writing client side validation scripts
- Using template controls – data grid
- Understanding data binding
- Customizing their output by defining user defined templates
- Implementing paging using data grid
- Editing data using data grid control
Using template controls like data repeater, data list
Data Caching
- Cache object provided in ASP.NET
- Caching data using the cache object
- Understanding scope of data cached in cache object
- Setting expiry policies for cached data
- Sliding expiry
- Absolute expiry
- Setting dependencies for cached data
- Key dependency
- File dependency
Output Caching
- Caching output of a page
- Varying the cache by input parameters received by the page
- Setting expiry for the output cache
- Caching parts of a page (fragment) With user controls
- Strategies for maintaining state in an ASP.NET application
- Using view state – saving the internal state between requests of a control
- Application state for storing common data across all sessions
- Session state – store session specific data
- Out-of-process state management techniques
- State server
- Sql server
- State management using cookies
- Security models supported by ASP.Net to write secure web application
- NET authentication
- Windows authentication
- Orms authentication
- Passport authentication
- NET authorization
- User level, Role based
Creating ASP.NET Server Controls
- Web User Controls
- Creating Methods, Events and Properties in Server Control
- Developing a Composite Control
- Accessing .NET component across Application Domain
- NET Remoting Architecture
- Understanding channels, message formats, message sinks
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