About REACT JS Online Training:
Developed by Facebook and Instagram, React.js makes views easier to increase and maintain by unifying your markup with its corresponding view logic. React.js is currently employed by over 94,000 sites round the web. With our React JS Online training, you find out how to develop consistent-looking, quick to code and easy-to-maintain front-end applications. you’ll also find out how to use the virtual DOM to form your GUI render faster. With our expert training, you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of a component’s lifecycles, states and props using React.js.
In our Cloudlabs sessions, you’ll have the chance to practice using React Developer Tools for inspecting react components within their hierarchy and observing their current props and states. This React.js certification course also will find out how to use states to store all the content which will change during application during a single location. you’ll even have the chance to practice using Props to populate components using custom data and pass them to a selected UI component.
- Basic HTML and CSS skills
- Intermediate JavaScript skills
- Any programming language like C, C++, Java, and python
Terms And Conditions
- We will Provide Supporting to resolve Student practical Issues.
- We will provide server Access and 100% Lab Facility.
- Resume Preparation.
- Interview Questions & Answers.
- We will conduct mock interviews. Student also gets 100% supporting before and after getting job.
REACT JS Online Training Course Content:
ES6 Primer
- History of Javascript
- What is ES6
- A word on bable
- Block scope, let & const
- Template literals
- Arrow functions
- Spread and Rest operators
- Object literal improvements
- Destructuring
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Static properties and methods
- Promises
- Iterators and Iterables
- Generators
- Modules
Introduction To React
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version history
- React 16 vs React 15
- Just React – Hello World
- Using create-react-app
- Anatomy of react project
- Running the app
- Debugging first react app
Templating Using JSX
- Working with React. createElement
- Expressions
- Using logical operators
- Specifying attributes
- Specifying children
- Fragments
React Components
- Component Basics
- Component Implementation
- Component Composition
- Composition Implementation
React State And Props
- Managing Data in React
- State and Props Implementation
Rendering Lists
- Using react key prop
- Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements
React Event Handling
- Reacting to Events
- Event Handling Implementation
Routing In React
- Applying Routing
- Router Implementation
Working With Forms
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance of the default Value prop
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
React Flux
- The Flux Pattern
- Implementing a Flux Store
- More Flux Details
- Implementing Flux Shoutouts
- React Forms
- Implementing React Form
Styling React
- Component-Level Styling
- Applying Style
- Flesh out Characters
Asynchronous API
- Red/Green/Refactor
- Working with a Separate State Manager
- Asynchronous API on Client
- Delivering Initial Data
- Reading State from State Manager
Context API
- Type-checking with PropTypes
- Context API Overview
- Presentational Component
- Higher-Order Components
- Mapping Extra Props
- What is code splitting
- Why do you need code splitting
- React. lazy
- Suspense
- Route-based code splitting
- What are hooks
- Why do you need hooks
- Different types of hooks
- Using state and effect hooks
- Rules of hooks
Subscribing To State
- Upgrading Dependencies
- SetState Function
- External State
- Pass State to Child Components
- Refactoring
Performance Optimization
- shouldComponentUpdate
- component will update
- react_perf Flag for Profiling
- Perf Add-ons
- Partial State
- Immutable Data Structures
Isomorphic React
- What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
- Why SSR
- Working with renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup methods
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